Ixnay Ceteris Paribus is dedicated to highlighting current management trends and the services, software, and information vendors that support timely and deliberative risk-informed business decision making.
These risk manager survey results are stunning. According to the 14th annual Excellence in Risk..
For this longtime advocate of dynamic scenario planning, it is encouraging to see resistance waning..
Successful enterprise risk managers are a rare breed. They must have (1) confidence to be..
Most of us are trained to prove the value of an investment before any corporate resources are..
Three perspectives on business decision making styles:
In preparation for my youngest child’s first Sacrament of Penance, I was reminded of the difficulty..
Every crisis inevitably draws out public criticism blaming risk management failures. It is easy to..
If you sell innovative technology or consider yourself a lead user, you are probably familiar with..
Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution establishes the power of Congress to regulate commerce...
IMT provides a wide range of industry research and consulting services to support (1) enterprises building more efficient risk-aware decision making processes, and (2) vendors selling services, software, and information that better enable these decision processes.
IMT's blog Ixnay Ceteris Paribus is dedicated to highlighting current management trends and the services, software, and information vendors that support timely and deliberative risk-aware business decision making.
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